Sunday, January 18, 2009

I guess 6.58b is out

...which means I should probably update to that instead. Which means it'll take a bit more time. But hopefully not too much more. =)


Unknown said...

we can wait…

GEOFF D:< said...


Andrey Dimitrov said...

If the map is out, where is it?
If you have some work to do, I understand, but don't write "the map is out".

BuffMePlz said...

6.58b IS out. You can get it at

Learn to read before posting snide selfish comments.

Xu Whai Tuck said...

buffmeplz , do u think tat icefrog delibrately make changes frequently so that u cant update ur map to current version of dota. N hallelujah to ur maps, it saves me frm lots of swearing n cursing .

Overflow said...

Icefrog is not concerned at all about DotA AI. That's all. =P

pluto said...

BMP.. don't worry about the selfish comments like the above..

you've done a great job..
and i think eventhough icefrog concern with your AI, he'll say "great job, BMP.." :)

.Uwe said...

its nice you are making all this fkn awesome work

i have lots of friends that are learning dota, and i teach them some things by using your map =D

Barracoo said...

i love your map.. i remembered i learned AI from ur map straight from 6.2 plus versions.. GREAT WORK MAN!

Wing Gotta Fly said...

we all waiting...but can u faster a little bit...although we can wait...
your work are great...ur ai+ is the ai dat i always use to...tq

Unknown said...

BMP'd be very upset to see some of the selfish comments posted above. Bmp is performing a great service to the DotA community...for free! And all he demands in return is just a little patience.

Take you time with the AI porting work BMP

We can wait for as long as it will take. For those who can't, pls stfu.

Andrey Dimitrov said...

I think that while BuvvMeePlzzzzzz make this version, Ice frog can be done with 6.59 and why not 6.60!
Unlike BuvvMeePlzzzzzz, IceFrog works!

Andrey Dimitrov said...

Hey, kids! Did you know that will come StarCraft2 rather than 6.58bAI

Cleffa said...

Aha, Андрей, if you think BMP isn't working or working inefficiently, why not make one yourself?
If you cannot make it, shut up plz.

Kos said...

Trolling can be difficult, but nice try :D

Keep up the good work BMP! People appreciate the time you put into it.

.Uwe said...

there should be a PayPal donation thing in this blog, so we can donate $$$ do BMP


pluto said...

your payment awaits you on heaven, BMP.. :)

Overflow said...

Андрей just screwed my fail detector by going way over the limit.

Unknown said...

Андрей , if you're so disgruntled and dissatisfied with Bmp's progress why bother posting nasty comments at all? You'd be much better off putting you energy into making you own AI map instead (if your empty little head happens to know how)

Andrey Dimitrov said...

My job is not making AI maps. I play dota for fun. Yes, I cannot make AI maps, cuz I don't care. And Cleffa... I can make what your father is not done with your mother

BuffMePlz said...

Funny, my job isn't making AI maps either. Imagine that.

Just because I do it doesn't mean it's my job. But I can see how that might be a complicated concept for someone like you. =)

Jetaime said...

Just ignore Андрей, i have a blog too and know how it feel when somebody comment you harshly without respest. Just want you to know, a lot people is respected your work BuffMePlz.. Good luck :)

UnsungKiller said...

i would love to have it asap.

Cleffa said...

Андрей: Ahaha, you said you can? Hahaha, try it, will you?
hmmm, ignore, a good idea~~
Your words will be ignored automatically~~

X-plode said...

Андрей, не обижай автора, а то совсем забьёт на мапу и пздц тогда. Не можешь сделать лучше: сиди и не **зди.

BMP we wait for map, plz make it for us!!!

Tuckyan said...

"Андрей, не обижай автора, а то совсем забьёт на мапу и пздц тогда. Не можешь сделать лучше: сиди и не **зди."
=beautiful words in god knows what language.

Андрей, dude you disgust me beyond words. I dont know why you CHOSE to be such a social degenerate. Neither can i figure why you enjoy the perverse pleasure of hiding behind your cyber identity and then running around sowing discord.

Do the world a favour. You don't to die for your crimes, but please shut up or get lost.

btw (suddenly shifting into angelic mode)
BMP, im dying to try out 6.58b ai.

linfavourite said...

i am waiting~~~~~~~

just do your best!!!

Unknown said...

lol, BMP your blog finally caught trolls... :D

Andrey Dimitrov said...

BuffMePlz, sorry for the words that I said. I just wanted to instigate if you can work a little bit faster. You say that I'm freak. I want to apologize to everyone here. And as they say in Bulgarian: Да ти еба майката в устата :)

Erwin said...

hi buffmeplz, your hobby with create AI maps is wonderful, me and my friend always playing with AI on LAN, because its more fun. sorry my english is so bad, we will wait for next AI maps, thx

.Uwe said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
.Uwe said...

Андрей, i have a good website for you, its

it fits with you!

Aughing said...

Tomorrow is the triditional new year of China Most Chinese players want to play 6.58AI that day.
We r expecting for it.

Cardin Lee said...

Thankfully my heroes haven't quite changed from 6.57b to 6.58b, so I can wait a little longer. =)

.Uwe said...

storm is one of my favorites ¬¬
i mean, i love jus tthe new one, so i really want 6.58b, BUT, I CONSIDER THAT BMP HAS A LIFE, SO I AM NOT ANGRY THAT THE VERSION IS NOT OUT

Anonymous said...

Thanks! People are looking for new updates on dota ai maps. I also post it on my blog at

Andrey Dimitrov said...

"""MaktorTheSentinel said...
Андрей, i have a good website for you, its

it fits with you!

January 24, 2009 7:06 AM"""


MaktorTheSentinel, your mother is not guilty, that she is a porn star. But I did't know that she has a dick!

Unknown said...

maybe this is out of topic, but BMP can you make AI for 6.58..i know there is a bug with 100% bash or storm spirit..but i think just for fun to play with bug versus AI..just for fun in working busy pressing the stres out...thank you ^^

.Uwe said...

lol, don't try to say that the guy in this site "" is my mom, because we all know its you and your father doing don't say that othe innocent people do tyour work...anyways, how much you get $$$ from that? just asking lol