Saturday, January 30, 2010

DotA Allstars v6.66b AI 0.214

6.66b (v0.214)
-First update to 6.66b
-Rewrote Jinada, Wind Walk, Chilling Touch, and Essence Shift to prevent AI-specific crashes
-Minor AI changes to use some rewritten abilities (Scorched Earth, Overpower, etc.)
-Added some extra checks to prevent AI from automatically picking heroes with incomplete AI scripts (they can still random them in -ar or -tr)
-Disabled new -unlock command, as -switch is still disabled in AI map

Let me know if you find any issues.


mVdStar said...

thanks bmp

Usiko said...

BMP god like...

Phoenix said...

Thanks BuffMePlz. I pretty much needed this map to practice the new heroes. :D

KiRpI4_91 said...

I'm sorry but why when you enter the fashion-apomshnp geomanser disappears from the tavern?

◆Akatsuki Chuah™■ said...

ermm.. BMP is the mediafire link broken?

Unknown said...

AWESOMEEEEEEEEEEEEEE , its finally here, tnx alot BMP@@@@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BuffMePlz said...

Oops, yeah, fixed the Mediafire link, thanks for the heads-up.

@KiRpl4_91: You can't play -sh with Meepo, so Geomancer is disabled for that game mode.

Overflow said...

Sweeeeeet, came faster than expected. :D Will let you know if there's anything wrong, cheers!

Unknown said...

Cám ơn BMP. Thanks again.

Unknown said...

omg omg omg omg omg omg yayyyyyy ty bmp for your awesome map making skill.. without you thousands would be lost without you.

YourSoulisMine said...

Thank you very much BMP.

Anonymous said...

BMP when i play the map it's always FATAL ERROR


KiRpI4_91 said...

I'm sorry)) I did not know 8(

Hero Hunter said...
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Hero Hunter said...
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Nick said...


really2 thank you BMP!


God bless ya!

JatMi said...
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Xela said...

learn the game -.- noob

JatMi said...

once u also a noob, learn to respect others first.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...


haroon132 said...

Thank You BMP for creating this Awesome AI Map so we can learn more about DOTA from it.I appreciate all the hard work that you put in this work.

Hero Hunter said...
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Hero Hunter said...

Thanks BMP!
I got fatal error with Visage's Familiars once in a game, but I played another game and I could finish it.
After a few seconds, Familiars only have 6 chages of attack instead of 7 (tooltip is wrong).

RWakko said...
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RWakko said...

BMP we all love you, youre awesome! :D

Anonymous said...

Third time in a row - war3 crash, on ai hero spawn.

Hero Hunter said...

I also got a fatal error with Murloc. I don't know if the problem is Essence Shift...

Pete said...

you're a man of your word, thanks <3

Christoph said...

Guys, please be as specific as possible when you encounter crashes or problems.It helps to narrow down problems.

Maybe post them in the official ai dota forum, too.

Unknown said...

I used -ar mode and razor was randomed by ai, a 60 minute game he only used first skill once. no ulti or the second. you did not write it yet did you?

Unknown said...

thanks for the hard work, I really want to try Doom :D
btw, can I know which heroes doesn't have completed AI yet, please?
I think Muloc does, Visage also, AA too, but that's expected.

Vanishing said...

ty bmp.

ThenfluX said...

thanks alot BMP. i hope there will some complete AI scripts and hopefully an AI+ of your works

Kanxion said...

erm i ply single player n i put greedisgood but the ai night clawrer n the ancient doesnt seem to buy anything......

Anonymous said...

BMP why i always has Fatal Error while playing using Doom , Kladr , and Slark ????

Please I need your Explanation


Unknown said...

About fatal error, I think it will happen when a lot of skills is used at the same time. But some time it happen when i ask the AI to attack Roshan. Sometime AI will attack Aegis so I always kill Roshan alone.
P/S: Sorry for my bad English.

rabbitsamlcs said...

Thanks BMP, i've been waiting for this map for so looooong. Anyway, i'm just writing to you wanted to let you know that i missed that fun tavern so much, and all it's superb items. If you are free, maybe u can create another "revision awesome" map for us. Indeed, i know that's just for fun, yet, as the name suggest, it's awesome! hehe... maybe u can add more heroes according to your creativity, as imba as possible in fun tavern. Thanks! i'm always a fan of Dota!

vine_okubara said...

Hey BMP, I noticed a bug, dunno if already said...
now the Divine Rapier can't be destroyed, but the CPU keep attacking it if the item is on the ground. Not sooo important, but its a bug anyway :b

Unknown said...

Thanks for the new map! I've found an issue with -dm mode. The game always crashes in this mode. Especially when a new hero is being selected by the ai or human.

Unknown said...

vine_okubara is right, so "fisrt bug" for this guy huh?

thegerardsteven said...

BMP I hope you make a new one because the game crashing every time I save a replay and exiting the game.

Unknown said...

Hello, I found a small bug in map 6.66 AI 0.214: when computer plays Skeletion King and dies few seconds before gameover. If after his death game is over then afrer his reincarnation he continues play :) Just fun :)