Monday, March 22, 2010


Been pretty busy with work and stuff recently, haven't really done much on script development. Played a bit with some fun heroes though, we'll see if any of them make it in for the next version. =P

Don't see work letting up anytime soon for the next month and a half. Even if a new DotA version comes out before then I wouldn't expect a new AI version for a while. =/


DustyDisciple said...

No worries, dude. Life gets crazy and there isn't always time for fun stuff like this. ;)

Christoph said...

Thanks for the update!

Phoenix said...

Thanks. Keep updating BMP telling us what's going on even if you're not able to spend time on the map.

Arky said...

Good to know you are good...
We ALL have other things to do besides DotA mate so we all understand...
And those who don't shall face a cruel death in the hands of Domo...
Anyways... Hope everything goes well with your work... And your stuff...
And when you get some free time... Don't forget about us ;) :)

Kant said...

Good Luck, BMP!

marceloalt said...

I´d Like to know what heroes doesn´t have AI working properly

vine_okubara said...

Don't worry BMP, take the time you need. =D

Unknown said...

I would love to see the original razor in the fun taverns. He was one of my favourites before they changed him. Anyways good luck in all your endeavors.

Unknown said...

Tremble mortals and despair.
6.67 has come to this world.
Hope that 6.67 AI coming soon.
Always your #1 fan BMP

Unknown said...

well just wanted to say hello to your trabjo is excellent with gifted and artificial intelligence and just tell you that much waiting for your next delivery gives ai and especially there are new things in version 6.67 does not matter as long as we know shall perform as they always did

Jano said...

Don't do a 6.67b AI map, there are a lot og exploits in the map, you better wait for 6.67c.

Unknown said...

good luck with all your stuff man, thanks for keepung us up to date.
you rock.

Unknown said...

Thanks for all the impressive work on your AI maps, BMP! =)

Benjamin said...

Thanks for all the AI maps! it helped me mastered Invoker =)

Anonymous said...

Your the man. Take your time and release the best ai maps you can create. Get your real life issues in order first and dont listen to any whiners about the time between releases.

abhinav said...

Thank you for your hardwork!

Daily Life blog .. said...

you're the greatest, bmp! no worries about the time interval between release, no one cares on tat.

吳宥鋅-ZN said...

Thanks a lot for the update