Tuesday, May 18, 2010

So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

After much thought and consideration, I have decided to no longer continue my work on DotA AI maps. Between my increased work responsibilities, advancing on to the next stage of life, my waning interest in DotA, and the frustration from both dealing with the community's demands and the community having to deal with my absences, I believe it is best for me to let this project go and move on.

It was a fun two years, with updates on almost every version since 6.49 (we're up to 6.66b now, crazy!), but as lazyfiend/RGB said when he left, I find that working on this map is no longer enjoyable to me, and is in fact quite a burden.

I've contacted GoD-Tony (killerbee) about taking over, and if he decides to, I'll try to help him get up to speed as much as possible. If not, I hope whomever takes my place will have as much fun as I did these past two years learning the ins and outs of JASS and the WC3 engine.

My passion has always been with the Fun Taverns, and though I will not continue AI development I may occasionally release some maps on my blog with old heroes and/or original creations, so feel free to visit and leave comments for me here.

Thanks for the fun times guys!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

No map until June at the earliest

Absolutely swamped, likely won't have time until June to even look at the maps and script. I've been getting the changes from IceFrog and will update to whatever version is recent when I have time, but don't expect anything for at least two months.

Monday, March 22, 2010


Been pretty busy with work and stuff recently, haven't really done much on script development. Played a bit with some fun heroes though, we'll see if any of them make it in for the next version. =P

Don't see work letting up anytime soon for the next month and a half. Even if a new DotA version comes out before then I wouldn't expect a new AI version for a while. =/

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

DotA Allstars 6.66b AI 0.2141


-Rewrote Overpower and Summon Familiars to prevent AI crashes
-Undid the fix added for Pounce in 6.66b that was causing the game to crash
-Added a workaround for when AI attempt to attack a dropped Divine Rapier (item will be removed)
-Fixed AI from destroying the Aegis after having them attack Roshan

Monday, February 1, 2010


Looking over the code, looks like Slark's Pounce, Ursa's Overpower and Visage's Summon Familiars will need to be rewritten, as they will cause conflicts with the AI script and result in WC3 crashing.

If you find a crash unrelated to any of these three heroes, let me know. I'm working on a fix for the aforementioned abilities.

-dm is still known to be unstable on the AI map. Until I figure out why it will continue to be so.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

DotA Allstars v6.66b AI 0.214


6.66b (v0.214)
-First update to 6.66b
-Rewrote Jinada, Wind Walk, Chilling Touch, and Essence Shift to prevent AI-specific crashes
-Minor AI changes to use some rewritten abilities (Scorched Earth, Overpower, etc.)
-Added some extra checks to prevent AI from automatically picking heroes with incomplete AI scripts (they can still random them in -ar or -tr)
-Disabled new -unlock command, as -switch is still disabled in AI map

Let me know if you find any issues.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Okay, I lied, I'm changing the next version to 0.214

No major AI script changes, but I did have to change some stuff to make some of the rewritten abilities work, so I will update the version number.

Just finished the 6.66b changes, will do a test run tomorrow and if I don't find any bugs, will release on Saturday or Sunday. Changelog looks like this:

6.66b (v0.214)
-First update to 6.66b
-Rewrote Jinada, Wind Walk, Chilling Touch, and Essence Shift to prevent AI-specific crashes
-Minor AI changes to use some rewritten abilities (Scorched Earth, Overpower, etc.)
-Added some extra checks to prevent AI from automatically picking heroes with incomplete AI scripts (they can still random them in -ar or -tr)
-Disabled new -unlock command, as -switch is still disabled in AI map

Stay tuned, it's coming soon. =)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Next version will STILL still be 0.213

Got the script changes for 6.66 from IceFrog, working double-time on the map to get this done ASAP. Don't expect the bots to use a lot of the new abilities just yet, I'll do more work on this after I release, just want to get a version out where people can start playing with the new heroes/abilities/items.

Still aiming to release by the end of the month. Sit tight!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Next version will still be 0.213

I had some experimental AI scripts for Admiral and Clockwerk in the pipeline, but I haven't been able to focus too much on this recently and in the interest of releasing 6.65 AI as soon as possible, I'll probably hold off on this stuff for now.

IceFrog has sent me the script changes and I've been slowly integrating them. I'm aiming to release by the end of this month.

Thanks for your patience.